Discover our CanSat project
The Pyrosat Team
A CanSat is a miniature satellite, about the size of a soda can, designed to simulate the functions of a full-scale satellite. Launched to altitudes of several kilometers, it performs missions like collecting atmospheric data, deploying payloads, or capturing images. By integrating electronics, programming, and aerodynamics, CanSats provide a hands-on platform for learning and innovation, often as part of educational programs or competitions, inspiring creativity and a deeper understanding of aerospace engineering. To learn more about the CanSat competition click the logo, which will redirect you to the ESERO website.
What is Cansat ?
PyroSat's Mission
Pyrosat will perform two missions: a Primary Mission and a Secondary Mission. The Primary Mission's objective is to gather data about the pressure and temperature and send them to the ground station via a radio module. The Secondary Mission will focus on a critical topic of wildfires. Just in the past year, there have been thousands of such fires in Poland. With global warming advancing and, as a result, droughts occurring more frequently, this problem is only going to get worse. Our satellite is designed to assist in fighting these fires by mapping the affected areas and assessing the risk of the fire spreading in various directions. Our satellite will take photos of the terrain it flies over and measure wind direction and speed. This data will then be analyzed by a neural network developed for this purpose and used to create two types of maps: one showing the types of terrain and another graphically displaying the expected speed of fire spread in each direction.​